by Tony Gray
posted: 16 February 2022

The special prosecutor appointed by former U.S. Attorney General William Barr recently filed affidavits in federal court that seem to implicate former First Lady Hillary Clinton in a campaign to spy upon and discredit former President Donald Trump.

"John Durham, appointed by then-Attorney General William Barr in 2020 to probe the origins of the FBI's investigation of Russian election interference, said 'Tech Executive-1,' not named in the filing but first identified by The New York Times as Rodney Joffe, used his access to domain name system, or DNS, data to compile information about which computers and servers the White House servers were communicating with," according to an NBC News report.

Wow! It sure looks like she played super dirty during the campaign and escalated her sleaze after she did not receive the coronation she and legacy media had anticipated. Her acts illustrate the axiom, "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned."

If the revelations about the Hillary effort to smear Trump turn out to be true through future evidence and/or confessions of other actors involved in the scheme, she should be tried as a traitor. And, if found guilty, hung by the neck until she is dead, because that is the punishment for treason.

I should note, here and now, that I was raised Catholic and believe suicide is a mortal sin. It's funny how often people critical of Hillary or able to testify against her felonious acts end up dead of apparent suicide. I will not do that. So, if it appears like I committed suicide, you know what really happened *wink, wink*.

That sounds kind of dark, doesn't it? Still, I just thought I would throw it out there. I'm sure Vince Foster never expected he would end up committing suicide in his White House office, either.

Durham moves at the speed of a melting iceberg but, hopefully, his investigation will begin to pick up steam now that COVID-19 seems to be winding down and he has a few indictments under his belt to use as leverage.

Like many other Americans, I was deeply disappointed when Trump quickly backed off his campaign pledge to "lock her up". I thought one of the best debate remarks he made was when he told Hillary that if he was elected, she was going to jail.

Yet, Trump extended the same grace to a departing administration that has been the hallmark of our country's tradition of the peaceful transfer of power.

Hillary, apparently, was not satisfied to escape jail for her various felonies. Oh, no. She showed her contempt for the country's welfare by pursuing her false narrative that Trump was in collusion with Russia, to the detriment of America.

Excuse me, but wasn't Russia able to intimidate Barack Obama into removing medium-range missiles from NATO countries bordering Russia when she was our Secretary of State? Didn't President Joe Biden infamously note that a "minor incursion" of Ukraine would be one thing but a major invasion would draw retaliation?

During Trump's presidency foreign leaders, like Vladimir Putin, were wary of crossing the United States because they had no idea how Trump would respond. And most of them are smart enough to know that if "you mess with the bull, you get the horns."

How ironic, then, that Hillary and her hired hands were able to convince many mainstream media outlets to spread her false narrative. The mainly liberal media didn't like Trump but professionalism should have trumped personal animosity. Where was the fact-checking and due diligence before the rush to destroy a presidency?

Even now, when mainstream media writes about Trump's claims of election fraud, they always preface it with adjectives such as "false" or "baseless" -- as in, "false claims of election fraud" or "baseless claims..."

Since the early days of Billary, in Arkansas, the Clintons seemed like teflon because nothing ever seemed to stick to them. They were never jailed or kicked out of public office because of any misdeed or misstep, like so many others.

Oh, sure, Bill got impeached. But what does that mean, really? The lower house of the legislative branch, controlled by the opposition party, voted they don't like you? Without a conviction and removal from office, it's not really a punishment.

One of the first recorded instances involved the help a Tyson executive gave Hillary, that turned a $1,000 futures bet into a $100,000 gain (back when $100,000 was a lot of money to a couple of poor hillbilly politicians). No penalty accrued for the top secret emails discovered on her laptop that staff had access to, even though they didn't have the requisite security clearance. If you remember, General Stanley McChrystal was fired for careless handling of classified documents when Mrs. Clinton was Secretary of State and carelessly handling classified document.

Do we even need to talk about the thousands of emails she ordered deleted, in violation of public records law, or Benghazi...

Maybe, just maybe, the country has had enough and she finally is called to task for her crimes. It would certainly restore some creditability to the Justice Department if Hillary were indicted and imprisoned.

It may even make us forget about Hunter Biden's laptop.