by Tony Gray
posted: 22 March 2022

President Joe Biden screwed up royally with his newest appointment to the U.S. Supreme Court by announcing he was limiting selection to a Black woman. Could you even imagine a private company advertising for a White man to fill a senior executive or CEO position? We're better than that, America!

Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson is President Joe Biden's nominee to replace Stephen Breyer on the U.S. Supreme Court. Monday, the U.S. Senate began confirmation hearings for the nominee.

Her main qualifications are her gender and skin color. Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. must be rolling in his grave as his "Dream" of a society that cares more about the quality of person's character than the color of their skin has turned into a nightmare of blatant racism by President Biden.

I am sure that Progressives will instantly try to brand me a racist for opposing her appointment but I posit that the opposite is true. The president and all the people who turn a blind eye to a job being awarded on the basis of race and gender are the racists, not me.

The nominee was a District Court (Trial level) judge for about eight years until Biden appointed her to her current Circuit Court position last year. That's not a whole lot of judicial experience but Thurgood Marshall was not a judge for that long before Lyndon Johnson nominated him to become a Supreme, in 1967.

Johnson, however, did not limit his selection to -- and, especially did not announce a pre-determination -- for a Black man as a nominee. Marshall successfully argued the landmark Brown vs. Board of Education case before the Supreme Court, along with other weighty matters. You don't even need to know that to realize how impressive a legal mind he must have been to get approved for the Supreme Court in the 1960s.

Judge Jackson, on the other hand, had very limited experience in private practice before she was nominated to the Washington, D.C. District Court by President Barack Obama.

She used to be a federal public defender, working mainly on appeals for Muslim terrorists detained at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. After she returned to private practice, she continued to represent terrorists appealing their captivity. Does she hate America so much she is willing to zealously work to free enemy combatants house in Cuba? I don't know about you but I have a real problem with that.

The liberal majority of D.C. appeals courts have reversed her in a number of opinions she issued in the eight years she served on the trial bench. So, it's not like a bunch of Trump appointees were disagreeing with her and saying, in one case, her ruling had no basis in law. To me, that signals her fellow judges don't view her a legal heavyweight in a vein similar to Judge Marshall.

I could get over her lack of experience and mediocre legal logic because, as a Harvard graduate she is obviously a reasonably bright person and people can grow into their roles. Unqualified people get put into positions that they are unsuited for, like President Biden, for instance. The beauty of the American form of government is that one person is limited in how much damage they can do to our democratic republic.

What I can not get over is the President of the United States declaring as early as his campaign that only a Black woman would be considered for nomination for any vacancy that may arise on the Supreme Court.

How is that not racial and gender discrimination? Again, could any company get away with advertising "Women need not apply" or "No Blacks wanted"? If you said "yes", you're a liar. Any moron knows that our society has evolved away from considering race or gender in employment.

Honestly, I'm thinking about filing a racial discrimination complaint with the Equal Opportunity Commission. They would not be able to ignore or they would never be able to enforce another racial discrimination violation because selective enforcement of laws is unconstitutional.

Before you scream that I'm not a lawyer, please reveiw the Constitution's requirement for appointment to the High Court. You do not need to be a lawyer. More than half of the roughly 125 Supreme Court justices in our history did not have a law degree. In fact, nearly a third of them never set foot in a law school class room. So, I am not barred from consideration by my lack of a law degree.

Sure, my chance of being appointed to the court are higher than hitting the Powerball but -- you know what? -- there are regular Powerball winners so it's not impossible. Improbable, but not impossible.

When the highest elected officer in the country tells the world he will only consider Black women for the job, that makes my appointment (as a White man) impossible.

So, just to be clear: I don't care that Jackson is Black; I don't object to her based on her gender; I can overlook her limited experience; and, I would have to accept her work on behalf of terrorists.

It is Biden and his racist decision to limit Breyer's replacement to a Black woman that I have a problem with. It's racist AF, and it's wrong!

While I'm on the subject, I'm surprised that the NAACP, the ACLU and Black Lives Matters have not called Biden out for his racism. After all, they won't have a leg to stand on if Trump wins in 2024 and limits his Supreme Court replacement, or entire Cabinet, to White men.

As Dr. King said from his Birmingham, Al. jail cell, "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."