by Tony Gray
posted: 1 June 2021

Why is New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo giving illegal aliens residing in New York cash payments of up to $15,600? The governor has taken $2.1 billion of the CARES funding received from the federal goverment to cover Covid 19-related costs in the state, and given it to criminals.

U.S. Senator Rick Scott (R-FL) blasted the payments to border sneakers living in our state. Scott said New York's decision to take taxpayer money from citizens of fiscally responsible states like Florida to give illegal aliens $15,600 checks is unfathomable, calling it a "disgusting and shameful misuse of taxpayer dollars."

The U.S. Constitution grants Congress the sole power to "establish a uniform rule of naturalization." Congress creates policy and the Executive branch, led by the president, enforces those laws. In a federal suit brought by a WWII German war bride, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled, "The right to [exclude aliens] stems not alone from legislative power but is inherent in the executive power to control the foreign affairs of the nation."

Illegal aliens residing in New York are here contrary to our national immigration laws and, while it may be true the state is not obligated to enforce federal law, it should be equally true the governor may not overide established federal law by fiat. Yet, here is Andrew Cuomo basically telling people ineligible to legaly enter America to, "Come to New York and we will make it worth your while, regardless of what those mean people in Washington say."

Governor Cuomo has already allowed illegals to acquire NYS Drivers licenses to help them gain access to taxpayer-funded social services and medical care. Now, he tops that by declaring Christmas in April with his transferrence of taxpayer money to people who broke our immigration laws when they arrived here and continue to break them every day by staying and avoiding many of the tax and regulatory burdens born by citizens.

Cuomo has created a de facto immigration policy that supercedes the Congressionally legislated one. He is sending the message to Central and South Americans that, if they make it to New York, we will house, feed, educate and provide medical care for them. Plus, he will give away thousands of dollars for doing nothing other than being here. It seems little more than a cynical ploy to replace citizens fleeing high New York taxation so the state keeps existing levels of federal funds and representation when the Census results are made public.

According to a recent New York Times article, remittances from illegals in the U.S. dropped in March and April of last year before sharply rebounding. That is around the time Congress added an extra $600 per week to unemployment benefits. Coincidence? Maybe, but I can't help feeling most of the Cuomo Christmas cash will be heading south of the border quicker than you can say "adios, taxpayer dollars."