by Tony Gray
posted: 21 October 2021

Haiti has been given more than $13 billion in foreign aid after a 7.0 magnitude earthquake destroyed large parts of the island country in 2010. About $5 billion of that money came from United States taxpayers.

It's time to cut that country off.

More than a decade of foreign help has created a culture with zero incentive to restore even a semblance of law and order. The worse things get in Haiti, the more money they get from gullible, compassionate Western nations like America.

The foreign aid spigot began when our current president, Joe Biden, was Barack Obama's vice president so he can't say, "Hey, before my time." It started on his first White House watch and it continues on his current watch.

Can you belive thugs in a speck of a nation dare to kidnap our citizens? Last week, 16 American missionairies were pulled off a bus bringing them to the airport on their way home to Ohio. This happened in the capitol city of Port-au-Prince, not some dark, deserted stretch of a dirt road in the wilderness.

What have our leaders done? Other than wring their hands and cry crocodile tears, they haven't done a damn thing.

In my opinion, it's time to lay down the law and tell Haiti they are on their own. After ten years and $5 billion, the lawless country has degenerated into even greater violence because that financial model appears more appealing to them than having to work at restoring their country and building business back. Much easier to just wait for first-world countries to plop more money in their palms.

Does anyone believe for even one moment that those thugs would have dared to kidnap American missionairies if Donald Trump were still president? And, if they were stupid enough to do it, what do you think would have happened to them?

Think of the agony and despair of the men, women and children kept captive for almost a week because the federal government appears too weak to protect Americans in a nothing country like Haiti.

President Trump would have give them a day or two, maybe even three to free the missionairies. If our people were not on a plane heading home by his deadline, I'm pretty sure the Marines would have paid those punks a visit. The hostages would have been rescued and the kidnappers who weren't killed during the rescue would be rotting in a steel cage in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

Instead of sending a marine rescue team, or closing the golden tap of American money to thieves and kidnappers, how much do you want to bet our appeaser-in-chief will pay them the $17 million ransom they demand?

It's shades of Jimmy Carter and Iran hostages all over again. I wonder if we'll keep a fleet steaming circles around Haiti for 444 days to impress them.